(After the firmware has been loaded and started...)
0xc9 assign_dma_blocklen
args: (num_bytes_in_block)
= (1,1) // use information from SchedDMA instead
0xc7 assign_prgm_index_info
args: (mask,num_req)
= (0:Disable,0)
rets: (sdf_offset,num_alloc)
0xb9 assign_stream_type
args: (output_type)
= (0:Program Stream)
0xbb assign_output_port
args: (port)
= (0:Memory)
0x8f assign_framerate
args: (rate)
= (0:30fps) // 1:25fps PAL
0x91 assign_frame_size
args: (height,width)
= (480,720) // {240,288,480,576} {720,480,352,320}
0x99 assign_aspect_ratio
args: (mpeg_aspect_ratio)
= (2:from MPEG spec)
0x95 assign_bitrates
args: (mode,bps,peak,???,???)
= (0,8000000,16000000/400,0,0x70)
0x97 assign_gop_properties
args: (size,num_b)
= (15,3)
0xb1 assign_3_2_pulldown
args: (on_off)
= (0:off)
0xc5 assign_gop_closure
args: (on_off)
= (0:off)
0xbd assign_audio_properties
args: (flags)
= (0xE9: 0 00 00 00 00 1110 10 01)
0x9b assign_dnr_filter_mode
args: (mode,filter)
= (3:DynTemporal&DynSpatial,0:Disable)
0x9d assign_dnr_filter_props
args: (spatial,temporal)
= (0,0)
0x9f assign_coring_levels
args: (luma_h,luma_l,chroma_h,chroma_l)
= (0,255,0,255)
0xa1 assign_spatial_filter_type
args: (luma_t,chroma_t)
= (1:horiz_only,1:horiz_only)
0xd0 assign_frame_drop_rate
args: (num)
= (0)
0xd8 assign_placeholder
args: (type,period,size_t,arg0 - arg8)
= (0:Extension/UserData,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
Disable the digitizer (7115) dev[0x42].reg[0x87] = 0
0xcd initialize_input
args: (void)
0xd6 assign_num_vsync_lines
args: (???,???)
= (240,240)
Wait for 100ms